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Anna Lucia

I am Anna Lucia Rizzello, born in 1996 in Taurisano in Salento, and since I was a child I have cultivated a strong passion for weaving, inspired by the ancient loom inherited from my dear grandmother. After studying at the artistic high school in Parabita, specializing in "fabric design", I obtained qualifications as a fashion designer and integrated pattern maker at the Calcagnile Academy in Lecce. In my laboratory in Taurisano, I gave life to my brand, conceiving fashion as a sustainable art. I actively participate in competitions and projects, combining Salento tradition with innovation. My works, influenced by traditional designs and embroidery, tell stories passed down through the loom, representing a link between past, present and future. My creativity is deeply rooted in family and in the values ​​of tradition, nature and craftsmanship.